Common Misconceptions about Muslims & Facts 2020

 Here you can find out Common Misconceptions about Muslims, Muslims are stereotyped? Misconceptions about Muslims in America, teaching Islam, misinformation about Islam, myths about Quran, facts about Islam, Islam activity, typical stereotypes of Muslims.

Most Muslims live mainly in South and Southeast Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa also has more than 300 million Muslims. The four most widespread Muslim populations are in Indonesia, Pakistan, India plus Bangladesh, with more than 100 million Muslims in each household. The Middle East is a vague and often negative term that does not accurately reflect the Muslims where they live.

The majority of the people living in North Africa, Arabian Peninsula and South-West Asia are Muslims, but they constitute only for about 20% of all Muslims.

Map of Muslim Population Worldwide

Common Misconceptions and Facts-

All Arabs people are Muslims?

An Arab is a person who's Arabic is their native language, and also twenty per cent of Muslims fall into this section. For your information millions of Arabs are Christians. Today there are around 300 million Arabic speakers over the world. Arabic is the majority language of about twenty-three countries. Turkish, Indonesian, Iranian, Pakistani plus other Muslims may get a laugh if you believe they are Arabs.

Muslims do not believe in Jesus plus not interested in him?

Muslims greatly respect Jesus as the Prophet of God plus admire his teachings. Muslims usually name their sons after Jesus, whom they call Isa, though they do not consider Jesus the son of God or understand that he died on the cross for the sins of mankind. However, the Quran mentions Jesus 93 times, teaching that he initiated miracles, was born of a virgin, and would return as the Messiah. Muslims may ask you, "Why don't Christians follow the teachings of Jesus?"

Do Muslims worship the moon and the moon-god?

Some Christian groups teach that Allah is an idol for moon God. Others mistake the Arabic word Allah as meaning a “moon god” as Islam uses the symbol of the crescent moon. This is a derogatory allegation for Muslims. Allah is the Arabic word for God plus is related to the Hebrew word El and the Aramaic word Elah.

The common fundamental belief in Islam is the worship of the one true God that is Allah. Arabic-speaking Christians plus Jews also use the Arabic word Allah for God, as do all Arabic translations of the Bible. There is no separate word in Arabic for God. Muslims do not worship the moon. Using the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam comes from the Muslim practice of following a lunar calendar.

Do Muslims support violence and terrorism?

Majority of Muslims are liberal, devout people who suffer more from terrorism than non-Muslims. Ninety-five per cent of Muslims do not promote or support extremist views of terrorism.

Muslims are engaged in Jihad (war) against us?

The Arabic word Jihad means is to struggle. This means the struggle of one's soul against oneself and sinful desires. Muslims refer to this inner struggle as more jihad. Muslims also have social campaigns to end poverty and hunger, which they also call Jihad.

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